I really like the ride on the new Prologue. It is not as fast as my previous EV's, but I don't really need 0-60 in 4.x sec.
One thing that is different that I don't like it the Start button. Most EV's you just get in and put it in gear. No need to "start" the car first.
I really like the displays on the Prologue. The center screen is perfect size and I like being able to get the maps on the driver's screen.
Not a fan of On-Star, but as long as I get free connectivity it's fine. The HondaLink app has a lot of room for improvement. The refreshing of info in the app is really frustrating.
The oversized cup holders are a nice feature. I like larger water bottles and my 26oz Yeti water bottle fits perfectly.
I use one-petal driving all of the time. Some EV's don't have it.
If it is cold outside the seat heaters come on automatically, same for the heated steering wheel. My previous EV's didn't.
So far overall, I give the Prologue a thumbs up!