Wireless Charging Pocket Dimensions

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Hi everyone! I’m about to join the Prologue ownership club, super excited! But I have a quick question I haven’t been able to find the answer to yet.

For the wireless charging pocket, does it fit a phone (like the iPhone 13, 6.1 inches) if placed sideways? Alternatively, does anyone know how wide the pocket is?

I ask because my phone case has an attached wallet that swings out to the side, and I’m wondering if it will still work with the charging setup.
The “TOP” opening of the charger measures 2” in depth and 4.25” in width. I can’t say if those dimensions are the same at the bottom of the charger. The question of connectivity through the wallet is another issue. My phone has a UAG case and does charge in the wireless charger.
No it won't fit sideways period it is designed for a phone to sit vertically.

And for what it's worth the two phones I've used in it tend to end up not charging so I plug them in anyway. Which is preferential with the wildly variable battery use of car play and android auto both.
Hi everyone! I’m about to join the Prologue ownership club, super excited! But I have a quick question I haven’t been able to find the answer to yet.

For the wireless charging pocket, does it fit a phone (like the iPhone 13, 6.1 inches) if placed sideways? Alternatively, does anyone know how wide the pocket is?

I ask because my phone case has an attached wallet that swings out to the side, and I’m wondering if it will still work with the charging setup.

That's awesome news! Congrats on joining the Prologue club! It's a fantastic EV.

That's smart thinking about the wireless charging pocket and your phone case. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact dimensions of the charging pocket to give you a definitive answer. I can only recommend that you check the manual or go your dealership.

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