The difference between EVs and ICE tires

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Quick question, guys! Is there any difference between EVs and ICE cars tires?
EV specific tires are designed to accommodate the higher weights & high torques that are common with EVs. I believe this leads to harder rubber compounds. They are also supposed to have less rolling resistance to provide more range. has a pretty good description of the differences.
EV-specific tires are also designed to produce less noise. The tread is not as deap but last (rating) about as long as older deaper tread. They usually have the "XL" or extra load rating for toughness/load. Similar to a "6 ply" tire. I noticed many also seem to use newer compounds that are more ecologically friendly and sustainable.
When it comes to tires, my top priority is how they handle bad weather—rain, snow, ice, or all of the above. If I can’t trust my tires in those conditions, I can’t trust my ability to stay in control when it matters most. Sure, efficiency is important, especially for my EV and truck, but at the end of the day, traction is everything. The real danger in bad weather isn’t just the road, it’s the other drivers who aren’t ready for it.

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