This morning I noticed a solid red light on my dash, I got in and started the car up, now I have a flashing red light, I’ve read that it’s the arlarm being set to serious issue with battery, I’ve only had the car 3 days
Hit the OnStar button and give them a call. They can run some kind of test on your car from their end and tell you what's wrong. They'll even email you the results so you can tell the dealer what the code is. You should definitely get this checked out at the service center soon. This happened to me, and it turned out to be something with the battery cooling system.
It went back to the dealer on Christmas eve, definitely something in the HVAC system, there is a valve on order plus they want to do more testing. I'm driving it until the part comes in, seems to run fine but the heater function is reduced. I'm going to try another run to the coast (to see some big waves) and hope that I make it this time.