Charging problems

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I just got my Touring, and I always charge it after 12 AM. My electric bill hasn't gone up much, maybe thirty bucks. I've got about 2,400 miles on it, and the last bill was $250. I have the silver package, but that shouldn't matter for late-night charging. My peak rate is eight cents per kWh. APS told me to lower my charge rate, but how do I do that in the Charge Made It app? This whole thing is weird, especially since my bill sometimes jumps around. Plus, my car was at 80% after sitting for a few days, and now it's magically at 99%! What's up with that?
You might want to double-check your Charge Mode It app settings to ensure the car is actually charging during the cheapest hours. Some chargers and cars have their own scheduling features, and if they conflict, you might be charging at an unintended time.

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