Hi everyone. Kinda off topic here, but wife says a lot of people on a Facebook Prologue group are complaining about the Bridgestone tires, especially in snow. Well, as luck would have it, the KC metro is getting blasted today (01/05), and we have snow covered streets. At this point, my neighborhood has seen 6 or 7 inches, and the streets are NOT getting plowed. Anyway, I took her Prologue out this morning and it did OK! I even went up a hill (street) that had not been plowed since maybe overnight, and the car made it up with no issues. I did get on the “gas pedal” a bit, and the car broke lose, but I quickly got her under control. So from this driver’s perspective, the tires held up in the snow.
By the way, we’re leasing, so no plans to buy better tires. KC maybe has one or two snow storms per year, so I’m not too worried about. I am curious to see how these Bridgestones wear. Some have said they wear pretty quickly. Take care all!